The four states
for Japanese
The four states
EFPIA Japan has identified the following four states as its vision of the future:

Increase public health awareness
"Increased public health awareness leads to promotion of prevention, early detection, and early treatment of diseases, thereby extending healthy life expectancy;"The society all people live in harmony with each other
"All people live in harmony, allowing each individual to be oneself despite illness or disability;"The society in which safe and effective medicines are available in Japan
"Safe and effective pharmaceuticals are available in Japan without delay from other countries;"The society in which all people have equal access to the latest medicine
"All people have equal access to the latest medicine and lead healthy lives;"
Five basic strategies to realize EFPIA Japan's four states as its vision of the future
To realize EFPIA Japan's four states as its vision of the future, it aims to continuously strengthen the pharmaceutical industry in Japan and increase the market attractiveness based on its five basic strategies. Further, to execute the strategies, EFPIA Japan will build a resilient organization, strengthen collaboration between Japan and Europe, and make distinctive contributions to society.
1. Support the enhancement of health literacy
EFPIA Japan works with the government and the healthcare community to support the health literacy in patients, as healthcare recipients’ literacy and interest in health is an important factor in improving the quality of healthcare. -
2. Drive pharmaceutical innovation while sustaining universal healthcare
While maintaining the advantages of the current healthcare system in Japan that allows prompt price listing and reimbursement of new pharmaceuticals after regulatory approval, it is necessary to build a sustainable system to balance the financial sustainability and the market attractiveness. To this end, EFPIA Japan carries on in-depth debates with stakeholders on incentivizing new drug launches in Japan ahead of the world and on allowing more flexibility in the new drug evaluation processes. -
3. Be engaged in the development of cost-effectiveness assessment processes
The use of health technology assessment (HTA) based on cost-effectiveness as a price adjustment tool after listing involves both scientific and operational challenges. EFPIA Japan believes that an appraisal with the participation of physicians and patients is necessary to appropriately evaluate the value of pharmaceuticals and address the shortfall of the current cost-effectiveness assessment system. EFPIA Japan is committed to the development and realization of appropriate cost-effectiveness assessment processes by reflecting solutions to the challenges faced by Europe ahead of Japan and incorporating the diverse value of pharmaceuticals. -
4. Promote the improvement of R&D and regulatory environment
To enable Japan to remain internationally attractive and competitive in the development of innovative pharmaceuticals and vaccines, and ultimately ensure that the people in Japan continue to benefit from the latest innovations, EFPIA Japan regularly investigates the clinical trial environment, encourages networking of core clinical research hospitals, promotes a risk-based approach, and facilitates decentralized clinical trials. -
5. Leverage digital technologies and develop digital talent
To effectively allocate limited healthcare resources, it is necessary to correct inefficiencies in healthcare. Digital technologies can play a significant role in this regard. To utilize digital technologies to increase the healthcare efficiency, allocate healthcare resources appropriately, and improve health outcomes, the government needs to take the lead in forming a framework for digital technology use, including the development of a data infrastructure and its incorporation into community healthcare. Further, talents with both macro perspectives on the healthcare system and patient-oriented micro perspectives, who can look ahead to the utilization of evolving technology seeds may serve as a bridge between the pharmaceutical industry and society. To this end, EFPIA Japan develops such talents in the industry building on the experiences in Europe.